Take A Walk In My Shoes | Uber Presents | Uber

Tonton videonya sekarang. Take A Walk In My Shoes | Uber Presents | Uber[b>


Uber Presents a film about Ruth, a remarkable driver-partner in Australia forming meaningful connections far beyond those she makes in her car. Her story reminds us that with drive, compassion, and empathy, one person can impact individuals and entire communities

Ruth’s story:

Ruth possesses a passion for people, which she credits to her father. He taught Ruth the importance of helping others and spreading love—a lesson that shapes her life’s work. She leads a program to introduce youth from Australia to the lifestyle and culture of her hometown in Zimbabwe. Ruth drives with Uber late at night to earn money to help fund this meaningful program.
A walk in another person’s shoes can be a life-changing experience. Knowing that she can enable eye-opening experiences for Australian youth, inspires Ruth every day. Watch the video to learn more about her admirable work.

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Good things happen when people can move, whether across town or towards their dreams. Tap a button and get to where you want to be.

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Take A Walk In My Shoes | Uber Presents | Uber

Take A Walk In My Shoes | Uber Presents | Uber“, dari sumber: [link_sumber]

Tagar untuk Take A Walk In My Shoes | Uber Presents | Uber: #Walk #Shoes #Uber #Presents #Uber

Artikel Take A Walk In My Shoes | Uber Presents | Uber berisi konten berikut: Uber Presents a film about Ruth, a remarkable driver-partner in Australia forming meaningful connections far beyond those she makes in her car. Her story reminds us that with drive, compassion, and empathy, one person can impact individuals and entire communities

Ruth’s story:

Ruth possesses a passion for people, which she credits to her father. He taught Ruth the importance of helping others and spreading love—a lesson that shapes her life’s work. She leads a program to introduce youth from Australia to the lifestyle and culture of her hometown in Zimbabwe. Ruth drives with Uber late at night to earn money to help fund this meaningful program.
A walk in another person’s shoes can be a life-changing experience. Knowing that she can enable eye-opening experiences for Australian youth, inspires Ruth every day. Watch the video to learn more about her admirable work.

Uber resources:
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About Uber:
Good things happen when people can move, whether across town or towards their dreams. Tap a button and get to where you want to be.

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Take A Walk In My Shoes | Uber Presents | Uber

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Informasi selengkapnya tentang Take A Walk In My Shoes | Uber Presents | Uber:
Video ini saat ini memiliki 487343 penayangan. Video dibuat pada 2017-06-03 04:53:59. Anda ingin mengunduh video ini dengan membuka tautan berikut: https://www.youtubepp.com/watch?v=-k6oEbAh1jA, tag: #Walk #Shoes #Uber #Presents #Uber

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