Netflix's Mary Movie is NOT What I Expected

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I wasn’t even going to give this movie a second thought. But when I saw that Joel Osteen produced it, I couldn’t help myself. So, what does a Christmas movie about Mary look like that’s been produced by Joel Osteen? How bad could it be?

I shall narrate it for you in a few minutes, so you don’t have to spend 2 hours watching it.


2:57- Cinematic Synopsis
12:13- Pros
16:54- Cons
26:02- Conclusion

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Netflix's Mary Movie is NOT What I Expected”,取自来源:

Netflix's Mary Movie is NOT What I Expected 的标签: #Netflix39s #Mary #Movie #Expected

文章 Netflix's Mary Movie is NOT What I Expected 具有以下内容:I wasn’t even going to give this movie a second thought. But when I saw that Joel Osteen produced it, I couldn’t help myself. So, what does a Christmas movie about Mary look like that’s been produced by Joel Osteen? How bad could it be?

I shall narrate it for you in a few minutes, so you don’t have to spend 2 hours watching it.


2:57- Cinematic Synopsis
12:13- Pros
16:54- Cons
26:02- Conclusion

👉My Website:
💡Order my book, Happy Lies:
● Barnes and Noble:
● Audible:
● Christianbook:
● Amazon:


Instagram: @melissaldougherty

Looking for a solid theological education? Look at Southern Evangelical Seminary:

If you are led:

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该视频目前有 141729 次观看,视频创建日期为 2024-12-12 22:04:42 ,您想下载此视频可以访问以下链接: ,标签: #Netflix39s #Mary #Movie #Expected

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