Dauphin DTR-1: a 1993 Windows Touchscreen Tablet PC

立即观看视频Dauphin DTR-1: a 1993 Windows Touchscreen Tablet PC

The Dauphin Desktop Replacement 1 was a fully featured 486 DOS PC with a stylus-controlled touchscreen! Too bad it had a melting power supply, odd design quirks, and a starting price of $2,495 in 1993.

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● Music used in order of appearance:
Whisky On The Rocks, Tomorrow I’ll Be Gone

Dauphin DTR-1: a 1993 Windows Touchscreen Tablet PC”,取自来源:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaQR4jk1voQ

Dauphin DTR-1: a 1993 Windows Touchscreen Tablet PC 的标签: #Dauphin #DTR1 #Windows #Touchscreen #Tablet

文章 Dauphin DTR-1: a 1993 Windows Touchscreen Tablet PC 具有以下内容:The Dauphin Desktop Replacement 1 was a fully featured 486 DOS PC with a stylus-controlled touchscreen! Too bad it had a melting power supply, odd design quirks, and a starting price of $2,495 in 1993.

● Consider supporting LGR on Patreon:

● Social links:

● Music used in order of appearance:
Whisky On The Rocks, Tomorrow I’ll Be Gone

Dauphin DTR-1: a 1993 Windows Touchscreen Tablet PC 的关键字: [关键字]

Dauphin DTR-1: a 1993 Windows Touchscreen Tablet PC 的更多信息:
该视频目前有 1208993 次观看,视频创建日期为 2017-10-13 22:00:02 ,您想下载此视频可以访问以下链接: https://www.youtubepp.com/watch?v=DaQR4jk1voQ ,标签: #Dauphin #DTR1 #Windows #Touchscreen #Tablet

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