

“Shaolin shed master” is the sequel of “thirty six rooms in Shaolin”. It is an action film directed by Liu Jialiang and starred by Liu Jiahui and Wang Longwei. The film tells the legendary story of Zhou Renjie, who is dissatisfied with the oppression of the dyeing workshop owner, goes to Shaolin Temple to learn martial arts, learns Kung Fu unconsciously in the process of building a shed, and finally presides over justice for the workers


《少林搭棚大师》小夥天天把石頭扔井裏,用濺起水花洗頭,下山後才發現練成絕世武功! 的标签: #少林搭棚大师小夥天天把石頭扔井裏用濺起水花洗頭下山後才發現練成絕世武功

文章 《少林搭棚大师》小夥天天把石頭扔井裏,用濺起水花洗頭,下山後才發現練成絕世武功! 具有以下内容:《少林搭棚大師》是《少林三十六房》續集,由劉家良執導,劉家輝、王龍威等人主演的一部動作片。影片講述了周仁傑不滿染坊老闆的欺壓上少林寺學武,在搭棚中不知不覺學到功夫最終為工人們主持公道的傳奇故事
“Shaolin shed master” is the sequel of “thirty six rooms in Shaolin”. It is an action film directed by Liu Jialiang and starred by Liu Jiahui and Wang Longwei. The film tells the legendary story of Zhou Renjie, who is dissatisfied with the oppression of the dyeing workshop owner, goes to Shaolin Temple to learn martial arts, learns Kung Fu unconsciously in the process of building a shed, and finally presides over justice for the workers

《少林搭棚大师》小夥天天把石頭扔井裏,用濺起水花洗頭,下山後才發現練成絕世武功! 的关键字: [关键字]

《少林搭棚大师》小夥天天把石頭扔井裏,用濺起水花洗頭,下山後才發現練成絕世武功! 的更多信息:
该视频目前有 927613 次观看,视频创建日期为 2021-05-08 18:33:08 ,您想下载此视频可以访问以下链接: https://www.youtubepp.com/watch?v=eneFIHs_5j4 ,标签: #少林搭棚大师小夥天天把石頭扔井裏用濺起水花洗頭下山後才發現練成絕世武功
