2018-2020 Ford F-150 5.0L Coyote Engine: Spark Plug Replacement Walkthrough

Tonton videonya sekarang. 2018-2020 Ford F-150 5.0L Coyote Engine: Spark Plug Replacement Walkthrough[b>


In this video we walk you through how to replace your spark plugs properly on the 2018-2020 Ford F-150 5.0L Coyote Engines.

These are the Parts and Tools I Recommend:

Latest Spark Plugs-

Cylinder #3 Spark Plug Wire-

Nickel Anti-Seize-

Silicone Dielectric Grease-

Spark Plug Swivel Sockets 5/8″-

Spark Plug Gap- .049″–.053″
Spark Plug Torque- 128 inch lbs

Forscan is a free Ford Specific Diagnostic Software:
Download Here-

ELM 327 Adapter I Recommend-

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

My Ford Specialty Shop: BSG Automotive-

Catch up with us on-

The information, demonstration and any content contained in this video is for informational purposes only. The user and BSG Automotive (hereinafter “FordTechMakuloco”) makes no warranty, express or implied, regarding the effectiveness or safety of the contents of this video. In no way should the contents of the video, including the tools used, be repeated or tried by anyone. Viewers should only seek the help of a trained professional located at a licensed auto repair shop for any fix, modification, alteration, or any change to their vehicle. FordTechMakuloco shall not be liable for any injury, damage, or loss to any person or property that may result from use of the tools, equipment, or any content contained in this video. In addition, there is no way to guarantee that the video is not altered or modified or is not in the final form submitted by FordTechMakuloco and therefore, FordTechMakuloco does not warrant that the video is unaltered or not modified. The links on this video to products are for informational purposes only and in no way are an endorsement of the safety or effectiveness of the particular product. Viewers understand that anything contained in this video or linked to or from this video is the sole responsibility of the viewer and in no way provides an express or implied warranty as to the safety or effectiveness of any linked tool, product, or video. Therefore, viewer agrees to release, waive, and discharge FordTechMakuloco or anyone affiliated with FordTechMakuloco, from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the viewer, or to any property belonging to viewer, regardless of whether the loss is linked to the use of the contents of this video, or otherwise and regardless of whether such liability arises in tort, contract, strict liability, or otherwise, to the fullest extent allowed by law.

2018-2020 Ford F-150 5.0L Coyote Engine: Spark Plug Replacement Walkthrough“, dari sumber: [link_sumber]

Tagar untuk 2018-2020 Ford F-150 5.0L Coyote Engine: Spark Plug Replacement Walkthrough: #Ford #F150 #50L #Coyote #Engine #Spark #Plug #Replacement #Walkthrough

Artikel 2018-2020 Ford F-150 5.0L Coyote Engine: Spark Plug Replacement Walkthrough berisi konten berikut: In this video we walk you through how to replace your spark plugs properly on the 2018-2020 Ford F-150 5.0L Coyote Engines.

These are the Parts and Tools I Recommend:

Latest Spark Plugs-

Cylinder #3 Spark Plug Wire-

Nickel Anti-Seize-

Silicone Dielectric Grease-

Spark Plug Swivel Sockets 5/8″-

Spark Plug Gap- .049″–.053″
Spark Plug Torque- 128 inch lbs

Forscan is a free Ford Specific Diagnostic Software:
Download Here-

ELM 327 Adapter I Recommend-

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

My Ford Specialty Shop: BSG Automotive-

Catch up with us on-

The information, demonstration and any content contained in this video is for informational purposes only. The user and BSG Automotive (hereinafter “FordTechMakuloco”) makes no warranty, express or implied, regarding the effectiveness or safety of the contents of this video. In no way should the contents of the video, including the tools used, be repeated or tried by anyone. Viewers should only seek the help of a trained professional located at a licensed auto repair shop for any fix, modification, alteration, or any change to their vehicle. FordTechMakuloco shall not be liable for any injury, damage, or loss to any person or property that may result from use of the tools, equipment, or any content contained in this video. In addition, there is no way to guarantee that the video is not altered or modified or is not in the final form submitted by FordTechMakuloco and therefore, FordTechMakuloco does not warrant that the video is unaltered or not modified. The links on this video to products are for informational purposes only and in no way are an endorsement of the safety or effectiveness of the particular product. Viewers understand that anything contained in this video or linked to or from this video is the sole responsibility of the viewer and in no way provides an express or implied warranty as to the safety or effectiveness of any linked tool, product, or video. Therefore, viewer agrees to release, waive, and discharge FordTechMakuloco or anyone affiliated with FordTechMakuloco, from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by the viewer, or to any property belonging to viewer, regardless of whether the loss is linked to the use of the contents of this video, or otherwise and regardless of whether such liability arises in tort, contract, strict liability, or otherwise, to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Kata kunci untuk 2018-2020 Ford F-150 5.0L Coyote Engine: Spark Plug Replacement Walkthrough: [kata kunci]

Informasi selengkapnya tentang 2018-2020 Ford F-150 5.0L Coyote Engine: Spark Plug Replacement Walkthrough:
Video ini saat ini memiliki 14946 penayangan. Video dibuat pada 2025-02-23 04:26:49. Anda ingin mengunduh video ini dengan membuka tautan berikut: https://www.youtubepp.com/watch?v=mseOzRtGQM0, tag: #Ford #F150 #50L #Coyote #Engine #Spark #Plug #Replacement #Walkthrough

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