立即观看视频新加坡之旅 Singapore Trip|【DAY 1】行程全攻略 SG Vlog|行程 Itinerary|#followjay2
【新加坡之旅】4天3夜新加坡之旅【DAY1 】行程全攻略 🦁
【Singapore Trip】Secrets of 【DAY 1】 SG Itinerary Planning 🦁
0:00 开头|Introduction
2:38 樟宜机场3号航站楼滑梯|The Slide @ T3, Changi Airport
4:40 乐虾拉面家|Le Shrimp Ramen
6:02 星耀樟宜|Jewel Changi Airport
8:36 Airbnb (Pt.1): 唐人街ST签名酒店|ST Signature Chinatown
9:57 新加坡摩天观景轮|Singapore Flyer
13:16 鱼尾狮公园|Merlion Park
16:08 摩斯汉堡|MOS Burger
17:17 Airbnb (Pt.2): 唐人街ST签名酒店|ST Signature Chinatown
18:50 结尾|Ending
📍We want to be as useful as possible in these travel guides so let us know in the comments if there’s anything we’ve missed out!
✅免费下载新加坡第1天行程PDF|Free Download SG Itinerary PDF (Day 1):
🏠Airbnb: www.airbnb.com.sg/rooms/44420536?check_in=2024-10-19&check_out=2024-10-26&guests=1&adults=1&s=67&unique_share_id=1510dfa2-20f9-4b3f-b49d-86d9f7605dab&source_impression_id=p3_1734201325_P3FN1P5bxk6u2gsw
🎞️Changi Butterfly Garden: Singapore City Walks | www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qzPEtM_tdk
🎞️Hedge Maze: Liga and Peter | www.youtube.com/watch?v=dz27XR-ITL0
🎞️Mirror Maze: Let’s Go Mum! |www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnhRN7cTJ5o
🎞️Rain Vortex Light Show: interArchtive | www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWDt4WezkQQ
🎞️Changi Experience Studio: Dejiki.com | www.youtube.com/watch?v=chFFhSNY_7w&t=97s
☕Think travel itinerary / tips sharing are helpful? You may now buy me a coffee:
#新加坡 #狮城 #狮子城 #鱼尾狮 #滨海湾 #城市 #无人机 #航拍 #旅行 #旅行短片 #drone #droneshot #DJI #vlog #singapore #singapura #lioncity #merlion #marinabaysandssingapore #videography #travel #trip #星耀樟宜 #星耀樟宜雨漩涡 #雨漩涡 #新加坡樟宜 #樟宜机场 #全球最佳机场 #新加坡摩天观景轮 #ST签名酒店 #时空胶囊
#滨海湾花园 #鱼尾狮公园 #滨海湾金沙 #淡马锡 #桑尼拉乌他玛王子 #jewel #changi #changiairport #vortex #jewelchangi #skytrax #bestairport #singaporeflyer #STSignature #timecapsules #gardensbythebay #merlionpark #temasek #princesangnilautama
🎫 我的频道|Jay’s channel:
▸YouTube: www.youtube.com/@followjay2
▸Facebook Page:
▸Email: followjay2@hotmail.com
✌🏻 訂閱我吧|Subscribe ✌🏻
▸旅行短片|Cinematic Travel Vlog:
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🎹 音乐|Song credits:
Cityscape by Velophilia
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ExuVS4xlr4
The Society by Dj Quads
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nBI4zo1MrM&list=PLboYK6YfvWbyxjmiOUF7VfhZCOo-uZNsY&index=16
어리둥절/Bewildered by BgmPresident
Music promoted by: your mood is here
Sneaky Adventure by Kevin MacLeod
License: CC BY 3.0 (
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JftOMrdQXhk&t=30s
Bring Me The Sky by Scott Buckley @ScottBuckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0 – www.scottbuckley.com.au
Creative Commons (BY 3.0) license: www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z8v4lwYWe0&list=PLfP6i5T0-DkKU3x5JNjGZBXffi84I2nIt&index=25
Dreams by DJ Quads
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrJD8nC_kLM
Magic by Le Gang
Free Download / Stream:
Nocturne op9 No2 by Chopin
Played by Vadim Chaimovich: www.youtube.com/vadimchaimovich
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E6b3swbnWg
Onion by Lukrembo
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGQNrzqrGqw
📷 拍摄器材|Camera & Lens:
Sony ZV-E1
Nikon D7200
DJI Mavic 2
🎬 剪辑|Editing:
Adobe After Effects
“新加坡之旅 Singapore Trip|【DAY 1】行程全攻略 SG Vlog|行程 Itinerary|#followjay2”,取自来源:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pHuyfotk4Q
新加坡之旅 Singapore Trip|【DAY 1】行程全攻略 SG Vlog|行程 Itinerary|#followjay2 的标签: #新加坡之旅 #Singapore #TripDAY #1行程全攻略 #Vlog行程 #Itineraryfollowjay2
文章 新加坡之旅 Singapore Trip|【DAY 1】行程全攻略 SG Vlog|行程 Itinerary|#followjay2 具有以下内容:【新加坡之旅】4天3夜新加坡之旅【DAY1 】行程全攻略 🦁
【Singapore Trip】Secrets of 【DAY 1】 SG Itinerary Planning 🦁
0:00 开头|Introduction
2:38 樟宜机场3号航站楼滑梯|The Slide @ T3, Changi Airport
4:40 乐虾拉面家|Le Shrimp Ramen
6:02 星耀樟宜|Jewel Changi Airport
8:36 Airbnb (Pt.1): 唐人街ST签名酒店|ST Signature Chinatown
9:57 新加坡摩天观景轮|Singapore Flyer
13:16 鱼尾狮公园|Merlion Park
16:08 摩斯汉堡|MOS Burger
17:17 Airbnb (Pt.2): 唐人街ST签名酒店|ST Signature Chinatown
18:50 结尾|Ending
📍We want to be as useful as possible in these travel guides so let us know in the comments if there’s anything we’ve missed out!
✅免费下载新加坡第1天行程PDF|Free Download SG Itinerary PDF (Day 1):
🏠Airbnb: www.airbnb.com.sg/rooms/44420536?check_in=2024-10-19&check_out=2024-10-26&guests=1&adults=1&s=67&unique_share_id=1510dfa2-20f9-4b3f-b49d-86d9f7605dab&source_impression_id=p3_1734201325_P3FN1P5bxk6u2gsw
🎞️Changi Butterfly Garden: Singapore City Walks | www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qzPEtM_tdk
🎞️Hedge Maze: Liga and Peter | www.youtube.com/watch?v=dz27XR-ITL0
🎞️Mirror Maze: Let’s Go Mum! |www.youtube.com/watch?v=TnhRN7cTJ5o
🎞️Rain Vortex Light Show: interArchtive | www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWDt4WezkQQ
🎞️Changi Experience Studio: Dejiki.com | www.youtube.com/watch?v=chFFhSNY_7w&t=97s
☕Think travel itinerary / tips sharing are helpful? You may now buy me a coffee:
#新加坡 #狮城 #狮子城 #鱼尾狮 #滨海湾 #城市 #无人机 #航拍 #旅行 #旅行短片 #drone #droneshot #DJI #vlog #singapore #singapura #lioncity #merlion #marinabaysandssingapore #videography #travel #trip #星耀樟宜 #星耀樟宜雨漩涡 #雨漩涡 #新加坡樟宜 #樟宜机场 #全球最佳机场 #新加坡摩天观景轮 #ST签名酒店 #时空胶囊
#滨海湾花园 #鱼尾狮公园 #滨海湾金沙 #淡马锡 #桑尼拉乌他玛王子 #jewel #changi #changiairport #vortex #jewelchangi #skytrax #bestairport #singaporeflyer #STSignature #timecapsules #gardensbythebay #merlionpark #temasek #princesangnilautama
🎫 我的频道|Jay’s channel:
▸YouTube: www.youtube.com/@followjay2
▸Facebook Page:
▸Email: followjay2@hotmail.com
✌🏻 訂閱我吧|Subscribe ✌🏻
▸旅行短片|Cinematic Travel Vlog:
▸新加坡系列|Singapore Series:
▸新西兰系列|New Zealand Series:
▸马来西亚仙本那系列|Semporna (Malaysia) Series:
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▸朝鲜系列|North Korea Series:
▸冰岛系列|Iceland Series:
▸日常系列|Vlog Series:
▸游戏系列|Game Series:
🎹 音乐|Song credits:
Cityscape by Velophilia
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ExuVS4xlr4
The Society by Dj Quads
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nBI4zo1MrM&list=PLboYK6YfvWbyxjmiOUF7VfhZCOo-uZNsY&index=16
어리둥절/Bewildered by BgmPresident
Music promoted by: your mood is here
Sneaky Adventure by Kevin MacLeod
License: CC BY 3.0 (
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=JftOMrdQXhk&t=30s
Bring Me The Sky by Scott Buckley @ScottBuckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0 – www.scottbuckley.com.au
Creative Commons (BY 3.0) license: www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z8v4lwYWe0&list=PLfP6i5T0-DkKU3x5JNjGZBXffi84I2nIt&index=25
Dreams by DJ Quads
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrJD8nC_kLM
Magic by Le Gang
Free Download / Stream:
Nocturne op9 No2 by Chopin
Played by Vadim Chaimovich: www.youtube.com/vadimchaimovich
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E6b3swbnWg
Onion by Lukrembo
Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGQNrzqrGqw
📷 拍摄器材|Camera & Lens:
Sony ZV-E1
Nikon D7200
DJI Mavic 2
🎬 剪辑|Editing:
Adobe After Effects
新加坡之旅 Singapore Trip|【DAY 1】行程全攻略 SG Vlog|行程 Itinerary|#followjay2 的关键字: [关键字]
新加坡之旅 Singapore Trip|【DAY 1】行程全攻略 SG Vlog|行程 Itinerary|#followjay2 的更多信息:
该视频目前有 89 次观看,视频创建日期为 2024-12-15 19:30:06 ,您想下载此视频可以访问以下链接: https://www.youtubepp.com/watch?v=6pHuyfotk4Q ,标签: #新加坡之旅 #Singapore #TripDAY #1行程全攻略 #Vlog行程 #Itineraryfollowjay2
感谢您观看视频:新加坡之旅 Singapore Trip|【DAY 1】行程全攻略 SG Vlog|行程 Itinerary|#followjay2。